Dev asks Dora to investigate whether ground reality is sufficient to prove his lofty claims

Malaysia has three people in custody, including the two suspected attackers.S.The case has perplexed toxicologists, who question how the two women could have walked away unscathed after handling a powerful poison, even if – as Malaysian police say – the women were instructed to wash their hands right after the attack.

He sought help from airport staff but he fell into convulsions and died on the way to the hospital within two hours of the attack, police said.. Very, very toxic,” he said.The case has marked a serious turnaround in relations between Malaysia and North Korea. It can be administered through the skin, and there is an antidote that can be administered by injection. As a Australia power cables result, for years, its been a quiet destination for Northerners looking for jobs, schools and business deals.The substance was detected on Kims eyes and face, Malaysias inspector general of police said in a written statement, citing a preliminary analysis from the countrys Chemistry Department.The death of Kim Jong Nam, whose daylight assassination in a crowded airport terminal seems straight out of a spy novel, has unleashed a diplomatic crisis that escalates by the day.”Its a very toxic nerve agent.Dr. U.

It is possible that both of these women were given the antidote.According to Malaysian investigators, two women – one of them Indonesian, the other Vietnamese – coated their hands with chemicals and wiped them on Kims face on Feb. 13 as he waited for a flight home to Macau, where he lived with his family.”He said symptoms from VX would generally occur within seconds or minutes and could last for hours starting with confusion, possible drowsiness, headache, nausea, vomiting, runny nose and watery eyes.North Korea has denounced Malaysias investigation as full of “holes and contradictions” and accused the authorities here of being in cahoots with Pyongyangs enemies. While Malaysia isnt one of Pyongyangs key diplomatic partners, it is one of the few places in the world where North Koreans can travel without a visa. Prior to death, there would likely be convulsions, seizures, loss of consciousness and paralysis. “Im intrigued that these two alleged assassins suffered no ill effect from exposure to VX.

Bruce Goldberger, a leading toxicologist who heads the forensic medicine division at the University of Florida, said even a tiny amount of this nerve agent – equal to a few grains of salt – is capable of killing. With each new twist in the case, international speculation grows that Pyongyang dispatched a hit squad to Malaysia to kill the exiled older sibling of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. Authorities are also seeking several other people, including the second secretary of North Koreas embassy in Kuala Lumpur and an employee of North Koreas state-owned airline, Air Koryo. medics and military personnel carried kits with them on the battlefield during the Iraq war in case they were exposed to the chemical weapon.Kuala Lumpur: The banned chemical weapon VX nerve agent was used in the murder of Kim Jong Nam, the North Korean rulers outcast half brother who was poisoned last week at the airport in Kuala Lumpur, police said on Friday